首頁 > 產(chǎn)品 > 粗糙度檢測儀器 > 滄燦潘BLH450K-10東方馬達 > 正文





  • 價格:電議
  • 發(fā)布時間:2020/06/15 18:13
  • 數(shù)量:大量
  • 所在地:上海 松江
  • 規(guī)格:
  • 品牌:東方
  • 用途:


The NA2, NA3 and NA4 can be used for measurements requiring small and light devices, replacability, measurement of relatively large inclinations and a normalised, analogue voltage output signal.
Measurements of inclinations in measuring instruments and inspection equipment, in water, land and air vehicles, in automation and safety technology, on cranes and lifting equipment, on robots, in the manufacture of scientific equipment, in medicine and telecommunication as well as navigation systems are typical examples.
Shared Technical Specifications

Supply voltage 1) 9V … 30V DC Dimensions see dimension drawing
Current drawn ca. 2mA Reference voltage output 3) 5,00 Volt
Externally regulated supply voltage 2) 5 Volt Temperature drift of the reference voltage < 25 ppm/K
Current drawn with external supply voltage 5V approx. 1mA Maximum current of the reference voltage output 5mA
Maximum Operating Temperature +85°C Output resistance ca. 100 Ohm
Minimum Operating Temperature -40°C Protection IP 65
Maximum Storage Temperature +90°C Weight (Sensor excluding mounting ring and cable) 18,5 g
Minimum Storage Temperature -55°C Enviroment Humiditi 0… r.F.
Signal-to-noise ratio at signal output (0…10kHz) <150μVss Electrical signal-to-noise ratio >85dB
Transverse sensitivity
at 45° tilt <1% of measure-ment value Voltage Offset (at Cero degree tilt) 2,5 Volt
Settling time (to 98% of the actual value) <0,3 s Maximum output voltage range 0.05V ... 4.95V
Terminals 3 (4) highly flexible cables, ?ca.1mm, length 18cm
optionally: shielded cable ?2,1mm
1) Standard supply voltage
2) optional externally regulated supply voltage
3) reference voltage output (+5,00 V) only optionally connected (for wire terminals only)
Each sensor will be delivered with individual calibration dates (offset, sensitivity) and calibration record.
Technical Specifications of types NA2-05 and NA2-10
Typ NA2-05 NA2-10
Measuring range ±5degrees ±10degrees
Resolution <0,001degrees <0,002degrees
Nominal sensitivity 400mV/degree 200mV/degree
Output voltage range 2,5V±2V at ±5° 2,5V±2V at ±10°
Linearity deviation over whole measurement range <±0,02degrees <±0,03degrees
sensitivity shift over a temperature range -25°C...85°C <2% <2%
Temperature drift of zero point ±0,002degrees/Kelvin ±0,002degrees/Kelvin
Technical Specifications of types NA3-30, NA4-45 and NA4-70
Typ NA3-30 NA4-45 NA4-70
Measuring range ±30degrees ±45degrees ±70degrees
Resolution <0,005degrees <0,01degrees <0,01degrees
Nominal sensitivity 66,6.. mV/degree 44,4.. mV/degree 28,57 mV/degree
Output voltage range 2,5V±2V at ±30° 2,5V±2V at ±45° 2,5V±2V at ±70°
Linearity deviation over whole measurement range < 0,06 degrees < 0,14 degrees < 0,28 degrees
sensitivity shift over a temperature range -25°C...85°C <2% <2% <2%
Temperature drift of zero point ±0,002deg/Kelvin ±0,003deg/Kelvin ±0,003deg/Kelvin
Dimensions and Connections


上海滄燦自動化科技有限公司銷售東方 個,針對東方 個客戶提供相關(guān)咨詢服務(wù),需要了解東方 個型號尺寸、重量、價格、安裝、維護等資料請與我們聯(lián)系。

上海滄燦自動化科技有限公司 是一家經(jīng)營**品牌工業(yè)自動化的公司,是從事電氣自動化工程設(shè)計、施工、安裝、調(diào)試,技術(shù)服務(wù)及工控組態(tài)軟件的開發(fā),提供工程設(shè)備及備件于一體的高新綜合性公司。公司經(jīng)營優(yōu)...更多>>


所在地區(qū):上海 松江
