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嘉實多齒輪油 CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150

規(guī)格:CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150



  • 價格:1
  • 發(fā)布時間:2017/01/05 14:23
  • 數(shù)量:20
  • 所在地:上海 寶山
  • 規(guī)格:CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150
  • 品牌:castrol
  • 用途:潤滑油


Optigear™ Synthetic RO range are high-performance, synthetic oils developed especially for gears used in rail traffic
and mechanical engineering applications (such as in Robots). The properties of Optigear Synthetic RO mean it can be
used in extreme climate conditions and for long-term use.
Optigear Synthetic RO is formulated with Castrol's Microflux Trans (MFT) Plastic Deformation (PD) additive. MFT PD
helps improve performance when operating temperature and loads reach a certain level of activation energy, by enabling
the micro-smoothing of surface roughness without increasing wear. The smoothed surface delivers optimum wear
protection and an extremely low coefficient of friction, especially in applications which experience extreme pressure,
shock loads, vibrations or low speeds. MFT PD helps to protect against scuffing and shock loading, while maintaining a
high load carrying capacity, and can help prevent the progression of micro-pitting in pre-damaged gears.
All types of spur gear teeth, also under difficult load conditions.
Bevel gear units, including those with a large offset (hypoid) and heavy alternating loads.
All types of roller bearings, with heavy loads and low and high temperatures. Can be used in a very broad range of
temperatures (no preheating needed in winter).
Dip lubrication at high numbers of revolutions, as well as injection and oil mist lubrication.
No influence on usual sealing materials or paint in gear casings.
Filtering (mechanical) does not result in any additive loss.
Not for synchronised gears or limited slip differentials due to low friction coefficients.
High pressure absorption and excellent wear protection1
Safe bearing lubrication in high- and low-temperature ranges
High seizure load-bearing capacity1
Above-average application times – even under difficult conditions1
Reduction of friction coefficient and operating temperature1
Good corrosion protection1
Long service life for gears1
Exceeds requirements regarding wear protection in line with DIN 51517, part 3

1When compared to conventional gear oils.



孚殷國際貿(mào)易(上海)有限公司銷售castrol CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150,針對castrol CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150客戶提供相關(guān)咨詢服務(wù),需要了解castrol CASTROL Optigear Synthetic RO 150型號尺寸、重量、價格、安裝、維護(hù)等資料請與我們聯(lián)系。

孚殷國際貿(mào)易(上海)有限公司(簡稱4-Ins),公司自成立以來立志于服務(wù)工業(yè)4.0,加速國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)革新。我  司絕大多數(shù)產(chǎn)品服務(wù)應(yīng)用于汽車制造,風(fēng)電,電梯,金屬加工,工業(yè)機(jī)器人,工業(yè)自動化,環(huán)...更多>>


所在地區(qū):上海 寶山
